Jag jobbar på't

"Get dirty. Get fucking filthy. Get poor, get off your ass. Get desperate, get dangerous. Get vilified, get vile. Get romantic. Get fucked, get moving, get productive. Get pro-active. Get started. Get your own life. Get doing something. Anything.
Because before you know it you're fourty with kids, a mortage, and responsibilities that cause your fun to come second. So before cancer, before children, before fifty hour work weeks, before back and knee problems, before school loans, before you lose your sense of humour...
Fight and fuck and run and smile.
Smile because the older you get the less you will. So, yes, quit being such a goddamn pussy, because bitching and whining and worry never made anything better."
Ni får leva med gammal bild då jag tydligen inte kan ladda upp nya? Eh. Välkommen in i min näsa, hur som haver. Det är rätt mycket snor och möjligtvis lite blod därinne nu, men ni kanske tycker att sånt är mysigt? Jag lovar att inte dömma er.


Skriv och få en kaka! Jag lovar.

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